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Why don't alarms ever wake me up?

Everytime I try to set an alarm to wake me up it never works. Like it never ever woke me up and I don't know why! Help please!!!


I'm afraid you have bad head gasket and probably a warped head - maybe both heads are affected. When coolant is suddenly lost the temperature gauge does not read right because there is no coolant for it to measure. It is easy to confirm if a head or head gasket is your problem. Fill the radiator and leave the pressure cap off. Have a helper crank the engine while you watch the coolant. If the coolant gushes out when he cranks the engine (or worse yet, pumps up and down) it is bad news for one or both heads/gaskets. Identifying the affected heads can be done by removing all the spark plugs from one bank at a time. If the coolant does not gush or pump when cranked the head and gasket for the bank with plugs in it are not very bad. If the engine quit quickly enough the heads may have been spared.
Yeah, they all three have the look, if I had to guess I would say Dean Ambrose or Roman Reigns would be more likely to win the WWE Championship, but I'm probably wrong, and the other one will probably win it!
Absolutely not.Not even the movies do that as much as before.
I watched a guy put rubbing alcohol all over his jacket sleeves, light it on fire, and do the YMCA dance. It's was pretty amusinguntil his friends tried to put it out with a blanket. They didn't have very good luck and he ended up with some burns on his arms. Take from that what you will.

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