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Why have none of the so-called ?

Why have none of the so-called 9/11 truthers who seem to have worn a special hat consisting of a shoebox wrapped in aluminum foil using coat hangers as antenna enabling them to tune into the thoughts of Bush Osama as they quot; planned 9/11 together quot;.never been able to explain why Bush allegedly acted in concert with Osama for the intended purpose of murdering 3,000 of his fellow Americans on 9/11 ?Do these 9/11 truthers also believe that Bush set up an alibi in order to say ' Don't blame me.I was nowhere near the WTC on 9/11.check it out , I was reading to school children a thousand miles away when it happenedHere's a list of the names of the kids.Go ask them ' ?


I lived through the 9/11/2001 terrorist attack on NYC fortunately I was still on the metro north train on my way to the city(from Ct).I lived the horror of losing many people dear to me along with so many other innocent Americans guilty of nothing more than going to work or boarding an airplane.Along with the thousands who've since died or become fatally ill from trying to help with the clean up so that many could identify their missing loved ones.These truthersare the a biggest scourge on America ,twisted human beings with the most skewed perception of patriotism.their hate for President Bush has over taken any form of reality Why do they never question the 1993 bombing and the terrorists promise to finish the job! The same people that consider Bush to be an idiot incapable of tieing his shoes claim him to be this evil genious capable of knowing and planning this before even becoming president ridiculous !

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