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Why ice machine does not cure ice?

Why ice machine does not cure ice?


7, touch the ice mold, feel whether there is temperature heating, that is always in the ice, can check the ice thickness sensor, ice thickness major thickness.8, the water is insufficient or no water.9, system failure, ice jam, dirty block, etc..10, ice machine leakage of snow, the pressure is not enough.
3, such as the normal work of the compressor but not ice that is lack of freon, to add fluoride.4, such as the compressor can not work, check the line, to see whether the compressor power supply, and the other capacitor should be checked.5, to see whether the temperature knob knob is too high, try to lower the temperature.6, check whether the ice is running water, such as water shortage will not ice.
The following ice maker does not make ice, so we can compare it!1, ice machine cold enough, see if refrigerant leaks, leak out immediately supplement.2, the compressor is running normally, listen to the compressor there is no noise, and if there is noise, it is recommended that maintenance personnel check the compressor

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