WHY is Hillary Clinton running for President?
At a minimum you should have one in each bedroom and one outside of each bedroom. If they share a common hallway or room then one outside is permitted. They should be mounted on the ceiling or on the wall 4 to 12 inches from the ceiling. Also, one in the attic(if possible) and one in the basement or near gas burning or electric appliances(furnace, water tank, dryer). You should also have carbon monoxide detectors if you have gas burning appliances. One near the appliances and one in your bedroom. If your all electric then a CO alarm is not needed. Inter-connecting smoke alarms are great but if the system does not work then make sure you stay current with changing the batteries. You can now get 10 year lithium batteries for your smoke alarms. That's right, they last 10 years and most detectors are warrantied for 10 years as well. The batteries are about 7 bucks a piece but well worth the investment. At the end of the 10 year period, you should replace the detectors.
theres a square foot ratio for detectors that will answer your question
Smoke alarms protect you and your family mainly while they sleep. They need to be placed just outside your sleeping areas, sometimes inside the bedroom itself, on every floor level including basements and close to living areas. You want to be awakened before the smoke has entered your sleeping space. Just remember that while you sleep is your most vulnerable time.
if you live here in the philippines, there's this sunsilk hair damage treatment..and it does work..i can say it's a good buy..
the middle one in the top row looks like an apple