I've baked a zucchini bread recipe I got off an internet recipe site. I follow the recipe instructions to the T. But I find that even after baking for the prescribed time the bread doesn't bake completely thru to the center and then sags and falls in on itself. I'm wondering if the fact that I'm using a disposable aluminum bread loaf pan has something to do with this as this occurs even to my wife when she makes bread in a regular oven. Is it because of the type of bread pan? Does the thickness of the pan allow the outside to bake sooner than the interior?
You're definitely correct that there are girls that men will just have sex with and girls that men will make into girlfriends. We want the kinky, slutty type just for sex. We want the smart, fun, and wifely girls for girlfriends. If you're asking this question because you're worried about being used just for sex then there's a simple solution: Develop a relationship before you have sex with a guy. Men will respect you more if you're a little chaste. If you're easy to get, we'll assume there's a good reason for that.
Highest point is at mid-flight; time to mid-flight is: t (Vsinθ)/g t (22 m/s)sin(32.3°)/(9.81 m/s^2) t 1.1983437 s Using this time, find the downrange distance to mid-flight: d (Vcosθ)t d (22 m/s)cos(32.3°)(1.1983437 s) d 22.284111 m This is how far back from the building you need to stand so the water is at its highest point when it strikes the building.
Varathane ) ADDED LATER just noticed that you said you were using a doming resin. That could mean that you're not really using true resin. but a dimensional white glue like Diamond Glaze, etc. Those are already permanent white glues, but they will dome more than regular white glues while drying. They aren't very tough though so a coat of polyurethane on top will make them less scratchable and susceptible to later cloudiness from humidity, etc. HTH