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Why is my Portland Cement gray?

I used it to patch cracks and divots in old concrete driveway and it is not cement color but a dark gray. Didn't see that coming! Is there anything I can do to lighten it?


If you didn't use a concrete primer before doing your patch work, you will not have to worry about the color, because it will disappear.
In days gone by we could purchase white portland cement and it made a bright white slab.Today batch design has changed reducing the portland and replacing it with fly ashe.It is in some ways an inferior product but meets strength requirements.
Don't let those others lead you astray. Unless you can mix the patching concrete to the exact same formula as the original mix, you will get color variation. Methinks we may have been a little overzealous with the cement in the patching batch, yes? If you have put more cement into it than the original lot, then, alas, your patches WILL be darker than the rest. Ain't Mother Nature amazing!
Gray cement has to be modified to be white, and the Gray portland has various shades due to different transitional metals in each batch or place of origin
It will lighten over time on it's own, give it a few days. It will eventually lighten up and almost match the old concrete.

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