I like to experiment with different types of fires OUTSIDE in my backyard. I have a water hose and I don't see why it is considered stupid. I mean, as humans we all get interested when we watch things break and burn. Isn't it considered normal to play with fire as long as there is a water source nearby?Personally, I don't see the threat. People have about a greater chance of dying from a ski accident than actually dying from fire as long as WATER is within a arms distance.
Home Depot or lowes, will have small ones- there are companies that service them- call the Local Fire dept for some answers - they check them every so often in Commerial buildings, and can tell you where to get service.
This depends on how high the speed bumps are. In the cars that you mention, the likelihood of feeling the bumps is somewhat diminished by the shocks on the cars. You may barely feel some if the bumps are low, however if the bumps are higher then you are going to feel them regardless of the kind of automobile you are riding.