what physical properties on a molecular level does steel have that make it suitable for scaffolding.
It is strong for its weight and can be made tubular for fitting together. Bamboo is used for scafolding on multistory buildings in Thailand - or was.
The reason is simple.....Bamboo will bend in the event of a typhoon and is thus safer than steel scaffolding.
On a molecular level steel is ductile. The carbon steel used is a low in carbon alloys which makes it cheap.
tubes and pipes are used in scaffolding and both steel and aluminum are used since new aluminum alloy used to manufacture a strong light eight scaffold and this kind was first used in maintaining the statue of liberty in manhatten for steel scaffolds A36 steel is used
The most common properties include strength, yield strength, elastic limit, proportional limit, ultimate tensile strength, ductility, toughness, fatigue ratio, and loss coefficient. These all are present in the steel. #The basic materials for scafolding are tubes, couplers and boards.