Just wondering. You know that traditional alarm sound? That almost screeching, whine noise? WHINE WHINE WHINE.. WHINE WHINE WHINE. It makes me want to pull my hair out, like scratching on a chalkboard. Thats how my old alarm used to sound, I recently got a new alarm and now its a smooth but loud ring. Its like the other alarm noise zapped my energy when it woke me up, but this one isn't so irritating and I can actually get up. Weird huh? Anone know what alarm I'm talking about or why it like zaps my energy. Lol. Weird question, sorry.
You should prepare by knowing where the fire alarms, fire exits (and possibly fire extinguishers) are. You should take nothing except yourself (if you are at school/college/work), and your family if you are at home. Hope this helps.
The concept of a backup battery implies that the devices normally use the AC house current for their power, and the battery is only there in case you have a simultaneous fire and power outage. Devices that have backup batteries cannot run forever on them, and if the battery was almost dead, it would not last very long; possibly even sounding the low battery alarm immediately when the power goes out. Some devices, like CO detectors, are designed to start beeping when they've been operating for a number of years, and in that case it indicates it's time to buy a new one (CO detectors age; not sure about your smoke detector, but if that's what's happening, it's time to get some new ones.)
UMM TAKE NOTHING BUT YOURSELF AND MAYBE A BLANKET DEPENDING ON YOUR ROUTE, OR SAFETY LADDER IF NEEDED. But YOu should have practice fire safety evacs at least monthly for your household.