Why milling through milling machine before rolling aluminium ingot?
I say the oxide film refers to the aluminum ingot when hot rolling or heating should not form excessive oxide film, otherwise it must be added after the hot rolling milling process;
The aluminum ingot casting surface of casting defects, guaranteed after removal of the processing quality, and not easy to oxidation (or aluminum oxide layer is thin, dense, not deep) after removal can be hot or hot extrusion; some heavier oxidation materials must be hot or hot extrusion after milling, in order to ensure the surface quality of cold rolling
But because it has the casting casting defects, so you can also be arranged in the hot milling surface after the removal of casting defects, because after rolling into aluminum coil, milling time loss, ingot milling time is short, low cost and convenient; milling; if it is heated or hot when the oxide layer is large the material, there is no way, can only increase the milling process after hot rolling; copper, aluminum oxide and iron is not the same, the west is mainly to remove casting defects, milling the material there, air bubbles, porosity and other defects, if made of materials like aluminum foil is not possible