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Why should the water meter be horizontally installed?

Why should the water meter be horizontally installed?


Experts say, many users in order to save money or limited installation position, the water meter import and export pipe length is not enough. The correct installation is 15 mm caliber water meter, upstream of at least 150 mm downstream straight pipe, there should be at least 75 mm straight, otherwise it will because of the flow of "full of twists and turns and affect the measurement accuracy of water meter. In addition, the tap water, such as mixed air, excessive impurities and dirt from the pipe wall, will affect the accuracy of water meter measurement
If your water meter is horizontal (the water meter reads the disc with a H), be sure to level it. However, you must pay attention to your water meter installation position, must facilitate the look-up table look-up table is tilt meter industry installation not large, inclination has little effect on the flow is large, but the flow of small will be too large
According to the regulations, the water meter should be installed horizontally, otherwise it will affect the accuracy of water meter measurement. Take an aperture 15 millimeter water meter, for example, at 1000 litres per hour, if the lateral slope is 45 degrees, the error will increase by 1%; the longitudinal inclination is 45 degrees, and the error will increase by 3%. At 180 liters per hour slow flow, the lateral slope of 45 degrees, the error increased to 5%; vertical tilt of 45 degrees, the error will increase to 20% or even greater.

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