1)why the first ionization energy of neon higher than magnesium?2)why the first ionization energy of aluminium is lower than that of magnesium3)state which one of the elements of neon,sodium,magnesium,aluminium and silicon has the lowest melting point and explain your answer in terms of structure and bonding present in that element4)state which one of the elements of neon,sodium,magnesium,aluminium and silicon has the highst melting point and explain your answer in terms of structure and bonding present in that element
sweet foods like candy pies and cakes are just the tip of the iceburg! How about how much breads, cereals, grains, root veggies, soft sweet fruits, dried beans, milk products do you eat in a day? How many grams? Some of that stuff is supposedly high fiber, but I am not convinced that it is at all what we should be eating the high fiber foods I eat are broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, cabbage, brussel sprouts, spinach
I have not experienced that, noFiber doesn't make my blood sugar go up, but high-carbohydrate foods doYou may be replacing some of your higher-carbohydrate options with options that are higher in fiber and lower in carbohydrates overall I'm surprised you said that what you eat makes little different to your blood sugarIf you're comparing brown bread to white bread and brown rice to white rice, then I understand why - even brown versions are loaded with carbohydrates that will spike blood sugarIf you're comparing low-carbohydrate foods, like meat and cheese, to high-carbohydrate foods, like bread, rice, and potatoes, then I don't know why the results aren't differentLow-carbohydrate foods literally give you less glucose in your blood If it's working, keep doing it, but the explanation may not be the fiber.
1) Neon is a noble gas and as a result it has a noble gas electronic configurationIt is difficult to break that electronic configuration because it is very stableBut Magnesium has got only a half stable configurationThough its 3s electrons are present the 3p is emptyBut in Neon the whole 2nd shell is filled with electrons which makes it very stableSo removing an electron from Neon is more difficult than Magnesium because Neon has a more stable electronic configuration 2) In Aluminium apart from the 3s electrons there is a 3p electron presentBut Magnesium has got a filled 3s and an empty 3p which makes it stableBut if one electron is removed from Aluminium the 3p electron is removed and it takes on Magnesium electronic configuration which makes it more stable than the configuration it had before 3) Neon has the lowest melting pointMainly because it has van der waals forces between moleculesBut all the other three elements are metals and they have metallic bonds between atoms which makes it very strongSo when the temperature is increased slightly the van der waals bonds are broken pretty easily taking it to the next state(from liquid to gas)On the other hand Neon is a gas under room temperatureBut the other three are solids because their melting points are higher than neon 4) Silicon has the highest melting point since it has got a giant covalent lattice structure which makes it VERY strong and a high amount of energy is needed to break these bonds in order to make it liquidHope this helped.