He insists on wearing a half shield even though his best friend has all new front teeth because he, too, wouldn't wear a full shield. Hockey players, please tell me, why or why not wear a full shield? I love watching his games but I don't want to cringe and have my heart stop every 2 minutes.
whatever you make a conductor out of, you have to make sure that the heat it generates doesn't burn whatever you're interested in protecting. worse conductors generate more heat (see tungsten filaments in a light bulb), so it's possible that you can't use anything less conductive than copper. especially when you think of the large amount of current running through a grounding wire when a storm is in the area.
No I wouldn't let my son pull the fire alarm if there was a fire alarm and he askedBecause I would have pulled it myself already :]
Relax, Dr. Crusher will be back.