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Wil Ceramic tile stick to cement board with glue?

I was going to tile a bedroom and was wondering if I could use glue on cement board, if so is there anything special that I would have to do, or any certain type of glue to get?


No. You don't use glue to put tile on cement board. You need tile mastic. Go to Home Depot or Lowes and get it in the tile section.
Rig_46, You can use adhesive for tile to hold the tile to the wall. But I don`t recommend to do that because over time the adhesive will dry out and possible have some or all of your wall tiles to fall off the wall. I just took out some old wall tile in my bathroom that was just what you asked about and the tile came off the wall very easy. The glue pretty much stayed on the wall but the tile came(or almost fell) off very easy. Just giving you a heads up on some issues I had. Then use 'thin-set' to install the tile to the concrete(cement) board. Then grout it and your done an done right. Hoped this helped. Good Luck.
The thin set you need to use is considered a glue of sorts. You need the thin set to properly put down the cement board also, so why no still use it for your glue? And theres not a professional tiler worth his weight in thin set that will use tile mastic for flooring. The other reason you don t use mastics is that they never fully dry out and crystallize like the old mastic. The new ones remain plyable, unlike the old mastics that were petroleum based and dried out and crystallized , losing their bond. Any type of glue you d try to use would need a full coverage, like you get with a thin set. Any questions you can e mail me through my avatar and check my qualifications there. GL

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