I would like to have my leaf springs on my PWC Trailer powder coatedThey springs consist of 3 leafs on each sideI would like to have them powder coated but dont know if the powdercoat will hold up to the sliding of the leafs between each other? Any ideasI cant find a single leaf version.
When you get a large mammaried type almost to the point of orgasm and you ejaculate to soon and then she gets so upset she teat whops you half to deathThat freaks me out.
when either the person who have them are not content and want to increase the size by way of transplant or when they are large already and the person just want to flaunt
I think anything over a D is bordering on the freakish side, especially if they're natural, since they're all floppy
I'm a size D and personally, I think anything over that would be freakish I agree with the guy that said anything that's not proportional to a girl's body size.
Absolutely notAny truthful powder coater worth his salt will be honest with youThe ends of leaf springs are friction surfacesNow there is a way around thisThere are companies who make Teflon and other plastic slider surfaces at the ends of the leaf stack We have a powder-coating company in town and the owner is a metallurgistHe will not touch or guaranty anything unless it's a very pure clean metal such ar chromoly or shelby tubingHe won't do aluminum wheels because of the garbage they make them ofWhy don't you aluminum -oxide or glass bead each leaf repaint them and button them back together.