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Will there be a transformers 5?

I really want a better transformers than 4 1 was great 2 was crap 3 good 4 worst of them all


Unfortunately, there probably will be
All signs are pointing to yes there will be another one, although it's a long-shot that it will be any better than the other films. The studio and filmmakers have found a formula that puts audiences into theaters, and it likely will be more of the same.
Yes there will be a Transformers 5. Michael Bay said that they are certain that there will be a 5th. Sorry to the haters. Just saw the 4th, so something tells me 5 should be good.
Yes, there will be a Transformers 5. When we don't know. Many people are thinking 2016 or 2017, but i have a friend that works in the movie theater and she knows the next movies for the next 2 years and Transformers 5 was not on the list. Is that because Transformers 5 has no name yet? Maybe. So Im assuming its coming out in 2017 or 2018. As for Paramount pictures they are not even thinking about Transformers 5 yet. As they stated once its one movie at a time.

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