Woodworking engraving machine installation process, machine test method
Engraving machine use environmentEngraving machine for high-tech mechanical and electrical integration equipment, the work environment has certain requirements.1., avoid strong current, strong magnetic and other serious impact engraving machine signal transmission equipment. Such as: welding machine, tower and so on.2. use three core power supply to ensure the good grounding of the engraving machine and reduce the interference.3. voltage requirements are stable, avoid large fluctuations, it is best to use voltage regulators.4. machines should not work long hours in a strong acid or alkali environment.
Engraving machine maintenance and maintenanceEngraving machine is more used in processing business, processing powder, dust and more. Use to keep clean and lubricated screw, rod and other components, timely cleaning dust and gas into the transmission parts; the operation personnel to timely cleaning, refueling, strictly charged.
The method and process of woodworking engraving machine are as follows:1, analysis and cutting materials near the cutting of materials relative cutting function.2, according to the analysis of the relative cutting function, set the amount of cutting and processing parameters, at the moment to set the parameters of the preservation of the point.3, in the processing of CNC engraving machine, investigation processing condition, the cutting condition at the moment can be very light, can also show a big sound, boredom and other abnormal condition.4, adjust the processing parameters and cutting parameters, reach reasonable cutting status and removal power, and then determine the roughing process.5, set the depth bound, processing a simple plane, check the appearance of promoting early reading can meet the demand, and concluded that finishing engagement.