There's this guy I know who shakes hands so hard that it is painful. I decided that I wouldn't shake hands with him and my friend thinks it is rude of me. What do you think? Can you blame me or would you shake a quot;bone crushersquot; hand? What's the etiquette here?
I would decline also. But is he aware of it?
You can't blame him He is High Up in the Masons and he thinks you are also a member. It could be worse, depending on the lodge, you could get a kick in the shin
If you know him, then I don't think you'd have to shake hands when you meet. If he asks why you won't shake his hand, tell him the truth about his bone-crushing grip. I'm sure you're not the only one who thinks this way.
People who do that have serious issues and you need to keep refusing to shake hands with him, that is ridiculous and you can tell your idiot friend that you like your hand and would continue to enjoy the use of it without getting all the bones crushed.
some guys like to try to pulp the other person's hand when they shake; it's some sort of juvenile tough-guy thing. Others are just naturally strong, and don't realize what a grip they have. Tell him, the next time you shake hands, to ease up. If after that he continues hurting your hand, refuse to shake from that point on.