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2000 Ford Taurus Transmission?

Is there a website I can order a transmission for my 2000 Ford Taurus?How much would it cost?Thanks


most reputable transmission shops can do the job of a rebuild, there is no need for a new transmission unless you have a large hole, or crack in the casings.
There are websites for transmissions, and not cheapI would guesstimate $ 2000 ? And do you have the capability of doing the work or know someone who does ? Probably better to have your trans rebuilt - look around your area for shops and get several price warranty quotes
Unfortunately you have and automobile that has a history of transmission problems. I replaced mine after 37000 miles. 1000 over waranty. I promptly sold the car. If the car is smoking after an oil change, the technician probably spilled oil on your manifold. Otherwise you have an oil leak. Also the transmission fluid levels are important but they can be misleading. A car can suffer a transmission failure and you would never see the difference. Get a good mechanic. Stay away from the dealership. I used Ammco Transmission. the last time. They are a little expensive but they are national and they give a 1 year waranty. And they do good work. Good Luck

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