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Add regular aluminum foil to insulation?

I'm going to turn my barn into a rabbitry and need to insulate it to keep it around 75 degrees. Right now it has exterior walls and studs showing on the inside. I plan on putting a high R valued insulation up and OSB as the walls. Question: If I put regular aluminum foil (Reynolds) on the exterior wall (from the inside facing in) then put the insulation up then attach another layer of aluminum foil to the side of the OSB facing the insulation, would that provide better insulation? Everywhere I look, I see stuff about the foil insulation. Just wondered if I added regular aluminum foil (Reynolds) to the job would be close to the same.Thanks!


You can use tin foil, visquene (plastic sheeting) or tar paper for the vapor barrier, but place it ONLY on the warm side of the insulation. This means only on the room side of the wall, not the outside. Otherwise, it will trap moisture and will eventually rot your walls.
Buy visqueen and and start at one side and move across your studs and walls. You will need to staple as you go. This creates a vapor barrier, then put your insulation over this. Reynolds foil would put you in the poor house. I think what you are seeing is insulation with aluminum on one side. 75 is way hot for rabbits. 55 or 60 would be fine even lower. Raised them for years in outside hutches and they made out fine.
Insulation Aluminum Foil
Aluminum foil when used in a heat situation it is used as a reflective of heat. For you to cover it up and use it as a vapor barrier you would be defeating the reflective qualities. Also you would be potentially trapping moisture in between your wall. Not a good thing it can lead to mold and mildew. Do not sandwich your insulation between two layers of anything. Your insulation needs to breath. The best thing you can do is to put up the insulation and then put up a good vapor barrier on the WARM SIDE ONLY of the insulation. Then put your OSB up if you feel that is necessary. OSB has almost no R value (OK maybe a 1 or even a 2 if you seal the seams). You would be better served to put up foil covered foam board. By the time you pay for the aluminum foil and the OSB the foil foam board may be the same price. But will have a much higher R value. BUT you can't put nails into foam board and hang things on it like you can on OSB. Your greatest heat loss will be trough your roof/ceiling. So you may wish to consider putting in a low ceiling and just making a room for your rabbits.
no adding foil is a big no no! you will trap moisture in the walls. (Create mold) the foil is design to keep moisture from penatrating the cavity. if you seal all the penatrations around the wall and corners and bottom plate (bottom 2x4) with foam spray or caulk you will seal the areas were air infiltration can occur.

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