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Cement dust......help...?

Hey, I was working with cement dust and it was windy, and ended up going everywhere - I mean my eyes, hair, and I breathed a lot of it in. Now Ive got a sore throat, heavy eyes, and it wont come out my clothes.How can I get it out clothes? And is it dangerous to breath in too much? Is it possible it mixed with sweat in my hair to form a paste? it feels funny! Health affects? thanks for any help :-)


Go to a hospital and get your lungs flushed out or something.
See your health care provider for consultation on chemicals on skin, etc. If you have had difficulty with particular types of clothing, cosmetics, deodorants, and so on, then avoiding contact is the best way to avoid a problem. Changing brands may also help. For example, some cosmetics are manufactured so that they are less likely to cause an allergic reaction (hypoallergenic products). For example, rashes caused by deodorants are often relieved by using a milder preparation less often. Once the rash has occurred, eliminating contact with the chemical is essential. Washing thoroughly with soap and water may remove chemicals on the skin and is especially important with materials such as cement dust. Oily substances may best be removed with rubbing alcohol, or use paint thinner quickly followed by soap and water to prevent contact dermatitis from the thinner itself. With cement dust, wear a mask and covered clothing. Taking a hot shower may helps also, when contact with chemicals. Chemicals may cause a rash in two ways. The chemical may have a direct caustic effect that irritates the skin-a minor chemical burn. Or, more often, the chemical may cause an allergic reaction of the skin, resulting in a rash. I hope this helps you. And good luck.
You can't get it flushed out of your lungs. Once it is in there, it is permanent. If you breath in enough, you will develop Emphysema and become susceptible to pnuemonia. The next time you work with cement dust, wear a mask, (they are cheap) and wet the concrete with water to keep the dust from going airborne. Wash your clothes in the wash machine to get it out of your clothes.

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