
Fire safety knowledge

Fire safety knowledge


Basic requirements Primary school students do not play with fire. O (∩ _ ∩) O Thank you
Fire safety knowledge...
Fire ruthless, in the event of a fire, the students want to keep a clear head, race against time, quickly leave. If the fire was besieged, but also to be contingent, trying to escape. (A), how to escape the cottage fire 1, sleep when the smoke to wake up, should quickly get out of bed leaning out of the room. Do not wait for the clothes to run out, the moment is life. 2, if the whole house fire, to crawl crawling into the door, it is best to find a wet towel cover your nose and mouth. If the fireworks closed, do not go out! Should be changed to other exports, and readily put you through the doors and windows closed to delay the spread of the fire to other rooms. 3, if you are surrounded by fireworks in the house, the application of water wet blankets or bedding, put it on the body, in particular, to wrap the head, with a wet towel Mongolian live nose, do protective measures and then rushed out, so The odds of injury are much smaller. 4, do not lie under the bed, under the table or drill into the closet hiding. And do not risk the return of the burning room for the relief of the valuables at home.

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