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Have you ever seen a shadow and thought it was something else?

Like a rose, maybe, a blue rose with an electric buzz around it's stamen or maybe a pauper's wares; blanket, box, and an empty wire hanger but then you look closer and see absolutely nothing at all you see no reason and you skip the riddle and funnel the visual out and away and the drenched clicking of an eternal clock passes the shadow slowly until your eye is peeled from your skull and your fire is doused before the shadow takes shape.


Some smoke detectors are more sensitive then others even when they are from the same manufacture. Be sure to have a vent over anything that you are frying or have the smoke detector changed.
Smoke detectors go off to warn you that you're cooking greasy food which is not good for you anyway. PS Don't take the smoke detector down or disable it. if you're in a dorm and a fire happens and the investigators discover that you interfered with it, you could be in very big do-do. Open the window next time.
The microwave is built such that the inside is shielded from the outside. That is why the inside is metal, and the door contains a screen. That screen has holes that are smaller than the wavelenth of the microwaves, so no significant energy escapes. If you like, think of it as trying to get 1 inch ball bearings through a half inch hole. They don't go though. The shielding also serves another purpose - making the microwave oven more efficient. If the energy simply escaped, it wouldn't be reflected back onto the food to cook it, and you would need more power to cook your food. For a comparison - try baking a cake in a conventional oven and leave the door open - your kitchen gets hotter, and the oven is hot inside, but it won't keep up with your set temperature - a microwave works in a similar way, the shielding keeps the microwave energy inside longer. As for the microwave energy itself, its basically a powerful radio transmitter. It does not generate ionizing radiation (gamma or x rays) which can cause cancer in large doses. The frequency of the waves in the microwave simply vibrate water molecules, and the faster a molecule vibrates, the hotter it is. So, reviewing - a microwave oven puts out radio waves of a high frequency and power, which heat up water molecules. The water in your food gets hot, and so does the food since it contains water. You aren't in danger from a microwave because 1) there is no cancer causing (ionizing) radiation, and 2) there is shielding to prevent the energy from escaping and improves the cooking efficency. BTW - Cell phones also put out microwaves, but about 10,000 times less power than a microwave oven - the cell phone doesn't cook you because the power is too small, it also doesn't give you cancer because microwaves don't cause cancer, as mentioned above.
There are two types of smoke detectors. Ionization type smoke detector senses products of combustion (ionized particles) and is most likely the type smoke detectors installed. These detectors should not be installed within 20 feet of a kitchen or bathroom because they are so sensitve. The detectors are interconnected (as required) so that if one detector senses smoke it will trip all the smoke detectors. This type detector provides early warning to flash or fast moving fires. In a residential application the photo electric type smoke detector should be used. This technology senses smoke by light scattering of the particles in the sensing chamber and is more sensitive to slow smoldering fires with heavy black smoke. I hope this helps.
if the smoke didn't cause the alarm to go off,the most likely cause will be the heat

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