Home > categories > Machinery & Equipment > Hoists > HELP ME OUT! I NEED TO HOIST A QUESTION! should i allow my daughter to boss around my son?

HELP ME OUT! I NEED TO HOIST A QUESTION! should i allow my daughter to boss around my son?

HELPS ME ON OUT OK? I NEED TO HOIST A QUESTION! should i allow my 17 year old daughter, misty, to bost around my son, dust who is 16 years old? my husband troi and i are going outs to the loc pizz hut for our monthly dates night. i am hoisting misty in charge of the housed hold tonight, is it ok for her to bost around dust? she does seem to be the larger, more dominate child. she seems to practice being the bost of him on a normal day base ok? both physically and mentally. dust is very small and eased going and lets mist do all of the bosting around in the family. she frequently does most of the decish makings herselft for her bro dust. she typically chooses dusts dinners and television viewings. dust is a normal developing homosexual teens ager and is easily persuade by the ol sis. he never seems to show any negative at tude with mist when she takes charges at him.


lmao,what kind of names are dust and misty? and bad trolling
Sounds like everyone is happy with the arrangement.
If she is going to be in charge for the weekend, than yes. Other than that, I don't think that you should let her boss him around too much on a daily basis.
Well, she's older and probably more responsible. She should be in charge, when you and your husband are not there. xxx

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