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How can an inductor be used to pulse power?

I read in an article on wikipedia entitled pulsed power that it is possible to store and release energy by using inductors to accomplish a process called energy compression. How would an inductor be used in such a case? In my application, if I had a input of 20mV at 1.5mA for 1.25 seconds that I put into (accumulated over the 1.25 seconds) the inductor and wanted to release all of that energy in 0.1 or 0.2 seconds, then how could I calculate my output voltage and current values for my output over the 0.1 or 0.2 seconds? It would be greatly appreciated if you could demonstrate your calculations using an applicable formula, just to make sure I understand the math correctly. Thanks!!


a million) 3 pulse rectifier makes use of purely 3 diodes (as in a million/2 wave rectifiers), or 3 SCR for administration and 3 diodes just to furnish the returning direction. while in 6 pulse rectifiers, we use 6 diodes or 6 SCRs, all for use for controlling objective (comparable as finished wave rectifier). 2) 3 pulse rectifier delivers a extreme ripple voltage with fairly decrease frequency. subsequently, the extreme means and extreme fee ripple rejection capacitors are mandatory. yet in 6 pulse rectifiers, the ripple is of extreme frequency, subsequently much less fee capacitors are mandatory, lowering the cost. 3) Ripple is barely 14% in 6 pulse, subsequently, the performance is extreme in 6 pulse than in 3 pulse. 4) The output DC voltage in 3 pulse association may be a million.40-one instances the voltage score of transformer, yet in 6 pulse, it may circulate upto 2.40 5 instances. subsequently, low voltage score transformer will artwork for it, back, lowering the cost.

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