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How do you plant ground cover?


To plant ground cover, first prepare the area by removing any weeds or grass. Next, loosen the soil and amend it with organic matter for better drainage and fertility. Then, dig small holes or trenches, spacing them according to the specific ground cover's instructions. Place the ground cover plants into the holes, ensuring the root system is well-covered with soil. Water thoroughly after planting and regularly until the ground cover establishes. Finally, mulch around the plants to help conserve moisture and suppress weed growth.
To plant ground cover, start by preparing the soil by removing any weeds or debris and loosening it with a garden fork. Next, dig small holes or trenches, spacing them according to the specific ground cover's planting instructions. Place the ground cover plants in the holes, ensuring they are at the same depth as they were in their nursery containers. Gently firm the soil around the plants and water thoroughly. Mulch the area with a layer of organic material to suppress weeds and retain moisture. Regularly water and maintain the ground cover until it establishes and spreads.
To plant ground cover, start by preparing the soil by removing any weeds or grass. Then, dig small holes or trenches, spacing them according to the specific ground cover's planting instructions. Place the ground cover plants in the holes, making sure to cover the roots with soil and gently firming it around the plants. Finally, water the newly planted ground cover thoroughly and provide regular care and maintenance as needed.

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