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How many 48 X 40 pallets will fit on a 53' semi trailer?

How many 48 X 40 pallets will fit on a 53' semi trailer?


Heat treating is for metal, not wood. Wood is pressure treated. Yes, it is unless you want to replace it every 5 years.
I would go for treated wood posts (set properly) and 2 electric tape. It gives if necessary, has some stretch rather than breaking. The posts of course are a little more trustworthy than fiberglass. The only time I've had problems with it was when it got hit by lightening... the metal mesh melted out, but the plastic was just fine - no escaped horses! I don't like wire due to the thinness - I don't think it's fair to put an animal with such poor eyesight in wire. I've also seen my fair share of ligmanent damage due to horses getting caught in it. I like boards of course, but they require some upkeep.
The treated will usually last quite a bit longer.

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