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How to I get orange glo of the floor?

So I thought adding orange glo would add shine to my wood floor . It did . But now it looks all smudged and there's foot marks all over the floor with no shine just marks . How to i return the floor to how it was ???


Your best bet is Murphy's Oil Soap, mixed as directed for floors. Use hot water and a well-wrung mop so that the floor dries quickly. If that doesn't work, or you want another solution, then keep in mind that you need to find something strong enough to cut the oil in the orange glo, without damaging the wood floor. Hot water with a tiny amount of dishwashing liquid (not enough to need rinsing) or hot water with a cup of vinegar would both be safe for your floor, and might remove the oil with a few tries. In the future, don't use any furniture polishing products on the floor, in addition to problems like this, the floor will be slippery and dangerous to walk on.

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