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How would you attached a u-lock to a dual suspension bike when riding?

By when riding, I mean when your bike is not locked up. I bought a dual suspension bike, but then realized theres no bar you can screw the lock attachment part to.


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confusing situation. research from google or bing. that will will help!
Cut the pipe off, cut a small piece of the problem area off, and use a pvc connector and pvc glue to replace the area in question. If this is a hot water pipe, it is cpvc, use appropriate pipe and glue.
I'm with purest. You've got to learn how to cut thread into pipes before anyone can take you seriously as a pipe fitter. Practice with large pipes, small pipes and discarded sections. Cut big threads and small threads and make the matching fittings as well. Use plenty of Teflon tape for maximum protection.

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