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Im trying to open up my ABEC skateboard bearings?

Im not sure how to open it up.


These are non-serviceable bearings. The shields are crimped on and can;t be removed. Once they need to be cleaned or lubed, they must be replaced. When you get new bearings,opt for ones with removable shields so they can be cleaned and lubed. Bones Reds are a good economical choice.
Actually - you would think that it was 'higher the bearing - the better' BUT Not SO! When I went to buy my sons skateboard at Xmas from ROUTE ONE in Cambridge, England - they explained it to me. The higher rating, eg- ABEC 9's, is to do with how they make the bearing. The higher number is how tight they are packed (or something along those lines...). The skaters who worked in RouteOne told me that they all use ABEC 5's. So, if the experts use them.... they must be okay. Bev
I just lubed up my skateboard bearings today. Sometimes you cant remove the shield (the yellow-gold part in the picture). If the shield is removable you can take a razor blade and stick it in the tiny gap between the shield and the bearing wall and lift up the shield to expose the ball bearings. you should do it carefully so you can put the shield back when you're done. If you're doing this to lube up the bearings, drop in a couple drops of lube and pinch the bearing and spin it so the lube coats the inside. then brush the ball bearing with a q-tip to remove excess lube.

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