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is a toilet a chair or not?

is a toilet a chair or not?


a lot of people refer to it as a throne, and what is a throne but a chair. seriously though we do a fair amount of time sitting on one, so I would say yes.
I looked up chair also...here's the first few definitions: –noun 1. a seat, esp. for one person, usually having four legs for support and a rest for the back and often having rests for the arms. (A toilet fits this definition well!) 2. something that serves as a chair or supports like a chair: The two men clasped hands to make a chair for their injured companion. (Certainly supports me like a chair!) 3. a seat of office or authority. (Definitely a toilet!) 4. a position of authority, as of a judge, professor, etc. (My kind of toilet) 5. the person occupying a seat of office, esp. the chairperson of a meeting: The speaker addressed the chair. (Anyone would feel like a King on his toilet!) So I would have to say, yes, a toilet is a chair, a chair with a purpose. It is a unique, and special use chair, it's procedures for use not to be confused with another chair, but a chair just the same. Similar to a radiator hose- it has a different use than a garden hose, or an air hose, but a hose is a hose, and a chair is a chair, so yes. The answer is yes.
You're kidding me -- you don't know what a toilet is? No, I'm kidding you. I think I understand your question, and I would answer no, a toilet is not a chair, just as a chair is not a toilet. A toilet is a plumbing fixture; a chair is furniture. The fact that you sit on each one to use it doesn't make 'em the same thing.
I think I would stick with calling a chair a chair and a toilet a toilet to prevent confusion and a messy mix up.
If a toilet were a chair you would be able to find a large selection of them at your local furniture stores. Since the toilet is a bathroom fixture, a means of necessity, you shall find them in home improvement stores.

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