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Is carefresh bedding bad for rats?

also name your favorite bedding for rats


It is a good choice for bedding, but it also has some problems. For one, it can carry nasty bugs that can make your rats itchy and sick, so it is a good idea to stick it in the fridge for a couple of days before using it. I also find that it was very dusty--and that one of my girls was sensitive to it. I use aspen bedding (this needs to be frozen too) because it is cheap, has good odour control, and was one of the few types of bedding that did not make my girl sneeze.
Carefresh is safe and good, but I find it has no odour control whatsoever. SunSeed Fresh World bedding is VERY good. It is not smelly at all, and very absorbent, but I find that the 'kernels' of bedding are too small and therefore pretty messy when it gets kicked out of the cage.
Carefresh bedding is not bad for rats, it would be my preference.
I use carefresh most of the time for my girls. A lot of rat owners think it's too dusty though, I haven't had a problem with it. I hear most people use Yesterdays News bedding. I use that stuff for my rabbit and it works really well to absorb urine and stuff. (=
I use aspen because it's less expensive then carefresh. But I've been doing all sorts of research on rats lately and everything I've read says carefresh is ONE of the best. But there are others. You could google rat care and find many options and choose which one is right for your rat and you.

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