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Leather sofa, cloth sofa, mahogany, should buy that kind

Leather sofa, cloth sofa, mahogany, should buy that kind


Cloth, summer and winter are not good for the body, the respiratory organs is not good, very few cloth manufacturers can do a good product of this one, I used to like cloth, color, fashion, in line with my personality
Skin, and now the skin market is not very smooth, a lot of artificial leather in the formaldehyde under the identification of serious violations. Some of the price of leather at every turn.
Mahogany, hardwood less and less, the landlord do not buy pity, and now many countries limit exports. Mahogany new Chinese can be considered, the European also have, in fact, is solid wood. The color of the deep like to pick acid, shallow on the pear. The main point, I asked the leather fabric high, but not the same as mahogany. Redwood is a Chinese culture, never forget it

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