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First Aid kit contents?

Lets say I am wearing combats (the leg wear), and the pocket is about 2/3 of my upper thigh (myself being 6 foot 6 inches). If I where to carry a first aid kit that makes the most use of that space*, what should I include? I want to cover the most common things to a sufficient degree, and if I can have some emergency vitals maintenance for a serious injury while the ambulance is on it's way. Ideally I want to carry as many copies for each thing as is reasonably practical. *You don't need to be exact; just have a rough idea of the space available.


If you go to google translator and ask to translate a website it'll work everytime. Just type in the website you want to go to and see if it works. if used it plenty of times.
Ummno. It's providing a safe church without the threat of lightning. It doesn't have anything to do with lack of confidence.
The extinguishant would harm the skin, and in some cases freeze and give frostbite. Extinguishers are usually only carbon dioxide in the case of extinguishers made not to destroy electronics. Stick to silly string.
Use a proxy website. Or set up a server in your house or elsewhere and create an SSH tunnel to there and have it make all web requests. That is what I am doing right now, so none of the other IT guys can see what I am doing, plus it is tight encryption.
Yes /group/onefake/ mailing list for fresh updates and new proxies! Dont forget to mention them to your friends!

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