Home > categories > Security & Protection > Heat Detector > My 1993 Honda prelude makes a sound when I hit a bump or turn sharply.?

My 1993 Honda prelude makes a sound when I hit a bump or turn sharply.?

When I drive on a flat surface all is good, but when for instance I go on a speed bump, the car makes a sound in the front like a little bang. It sounds to be somewhere around the wheels but im not positive. It is not the engine mounts, they are in perfect condition. What can be the possibilites making the sound?


SISSI is an ion-optical system consisting of two cryogenic solenoids separated by a target which produces secondary particles under the impact of intense heavy ion beams. Besides the problem of shielding the cryogenic parts against the heat and the charged particles coming from the target, care must be taken of the power deposited in the solenoid windings by neutrons and gamma rays ; although this power is supposedly very small, the cooling capacity of the closed cycle refrigerator (a few watts) must take it into account.
You can get a new one for around 5 or 6 dollars. If you're loosing sleep over it, just replace it. They're easy to stop - just a tad harder than before. Now they won't close or fit without a 9 volt battery installed, so you have to install a dead one now. Too many people were removing the batteries and not replacing them. Actually, if it is beeping - and even though it went off after it stared beeping - it's likely that is the designed behavior. They would design it to warn you a little bit ahead of time and not when it would stop functioning in 12 hours. You know the battery is fine - how? By pushing the test button on the detector. That only checks that the detector works, which it will - even for a month or two - maybe even 3. After the battery low starts beeping. Buy a brand new name brand 9 volt battery and try that. Miscellaneous: Somebody told me on some A/C ones I have that the 1/2 life of the radioactive element that's used to detect the smoke only lasts so long and (well, yes it would) anyway making it almost useless after 10 years or so. I had another one near the bathroom that beeped whenever someone opened the door after a shower and the steam came out. Wow! A bunch of people here who never inhaled that's for sure! If cigarettes don't set them off, pot smoke sure isn't going to unless you're blowing it right into the detector or it's a party and you can't see across the room for the pot smoke.

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