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Umwhere are voltages, resistors, capacitors, and inductors in OrCad Capture?

I found resistors, but voltage is VPULSE (sinusoidal) and I can't find the others??I thought I could find it under 'library-pspice', am I missing a library?


Orcad Capture Library
They reduce the impedance to high frequency signals by effectively shorting them to ground. You could do the same with a piece of wire. But since capacitors have a high impedance to DC, they can allow a DC voltage to be present while shorting the high-frequency stuff to ground. And as you might gather from this, capacitors don't do a great job of reducing low-frequency noise. As you may already know, the impedance of a capacitor to an AC signal is 1/(2PI*frequency*capacitance). So the higher the frequency, the lower the impedance of the capacitor and the heavier of load it will represent. And since the voltage regulator doesn't have an infinite drive capability, especially at high frequency, the high frequency signals generate by the regulator(or by the load) get reduced or attenuated. And as mentioned above, a capactitor can respond to changes in current demand faster than the regulator can. If the capacitor isn't there, the output voltage of the regulator can dip quite severely while the regulator circuit is taking it's time to respond to the current demand.
All resistors, capacitors, and inductors are in the library labeled Analog. Capacitors are labeled C, inductors are labeled L. The inductor terminals have labellings of 1 and 2, but they exist for no good reason (an inductor is nothing more than a coil of wire). The ideal transformer is in this library as well (you need to set two inductances values to specify the turns ratio). All voltage sources are in the library labeled Source. Vdc is for DC voltages. Vac is for any voltage for which you are interested in doing an AC sweep (Bode plot production), for which you will vary the frequency. Vsin is for a sinusoidal voltage of which you know in advance the frequency. Vpulse is good for a ramp-plateau waveform. OP-AMPS, transistors, switches, diodes, and logic chips are located in the EVAL library.

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