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What are the positive and negatives of bulldozers?

How are bulldozers beneficial? What are their drawbacks/limitations?Thanks so much.


Positive Bulldozers are often seen on construction sites. Bulldozers are used to flatten land or clear away debris. Angledozers are bulldozers with dozer blades angled away so debris is moved to the side. These are useful for moving surface debris and topsoil. Bulldozers help road construction by moving material in even coats. Bulldozers are also used for military applications for the building of outposts, firebases, and other fortifications. Negativity Although bulldozers are a powerful tool for construction, they are synonymous with destruction. Bulldozers have a very harmful image, seen as the destroyers of natural habitats, human habitats, and cultural icons. They are often portrayed in the news at the opposite end of protesters.

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