Home > categories > Minerals & Metallurgy > Aluminum Foils > What can I use to seal between lannon stone and aluminum flashing? I have a brown bat problem.?

What can I use to seal between lannon stone and aluminum flashing? I have a brown bat problem.?

I have brown bats living under my flashing where the stone meets the roofI know where I need to seal, and I know where I need to put bat valvesWhat sealant can I use that will not damage or stain the stoneI don't care about the flashingI have considered expandable foamIt should be waterproof alsoThanks!


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Expandable foam has worked well for me, but be sure not to over applyI found that if I put round foam in the bottom of the opening it will keep the foam from dripping outAfter the foam is cured, pull the round foam(By that I mean the closed-cell stuff similar to what is used to insulate water pipes)
go christmas caroling with the kids
cutting out white bread and pasta
Expandable foam has worked well for me, but be sure not to over applyI found that if I put round foam in the bottom of the opening it will keep the foam from dripping outAfter the foam is cured, pull the round foam(By that I mean the closed-cell stuff similar to what is used to insulate water pipes)

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