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What kind of cables do I need to connect my MacBook to a TV.?

I have an aluminum MacBook which has a minidisplay port (i don't know if there's an adapter for it) and I need it to connect into a tv with standard RCA inputs (i think that's what they're called)Do I need more than 1 cable? Can you give me the specific names of them?


Your supposed to leave the oats raw, it would or should have been stated if it was meant to be otherwise^_^
uncooked it is used as a grain/flour in this case when cooked it is called oatmeal porridge
There are no simple cables for connecting a miniDisplayPort Macbook to the composite RCA jacks like those on old boob-tube TVsApple deleted support for analog RCA TV signals in the new MacbooksOnly the older miniDVI Macbooks can connect to RCA-input boob-tube TVs using a miniDVI-to-AV adapter, because their older GMA950 graphics chipset supports itThe new nVidia 9400m chipset in your miniDisplayPort macbook does not support analog boob-tube RCA-input TV signalsIf you want to connect your Macbook to a boob-tube TV, you will need to buy a scan converter box that can translate a VGA signal to RCA TV compositeI wouldn't bother- the RCA composite signal is low-quality (NOT capable of high-definition) and the image is going to look like crap EDITED TO ADD: If you want to connect your macbook to an LCD HDTV, you should use a miniDisplayPort-to-DVI adapter and a DVI-to-HDMI cableI do that on my Macbook and it works fabulously, displaying 1920x1080 resolution on my HDTV.

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