
Stain on bathroom sink?

Over the weekend I put a reddish packet down on my NEW, WHITE bathroom sink. When I went to pick the packet up I saw it had left a PINK STAIN about the size of a half dollar on my new sink (I *think* the sink is porcelain but I'm not positive. It is *not* marble or any other stone. It is - I believe - basic bathroom sink material). Anyway, I used some Comet bathroom cleaner. Did nothing. I then tried bleach (big mistake! I think it actually now gave the stain a yellowish hue). I have not tried anything else.If you have any advice, I'd appreciate it.Thank you!


Try Mr Cleans magic eraser.
What exactly is this reddish packet made of? Your bathroom sink is mostly likely plain ceramic porcelain.
You can remove the stains by pouring some bleach on the stain area and wiping it with water. It for me hair dye was on the sink and remove like nothing.
Usually an all purpose kitchen/bathroom cleaner after bleach should do it. i have gotten permanent black hair dye on my sink and left it overnight and it has still came out. put bleach on a washcloth and let it sit on top of the stain for 30 mins or so and then an all purpose stain remover. it always works for me.

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