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All Machinery & Equipment Question

What is the temperature setting of the extruder and how much is the setting temperature of the head and filter?,
3 answer
What is drilling? What is the characteristics of drilling?
4 answer
Test method for temperature rise of induction motors
3 answer
what's your favorite bands & their best song?
5 answer
Are these items worth buying?
2 answer
Why is the power of a model engine different?
4 answer
Is the juicer battery moving?
4 answer
Paver, grader, roller, post responsibility 50
2 answer
Does the welding rod have a shelf life?
3 answer
What's the difference between cast iron flanges and steel flanges?
3 answer
Who manufactured the straps that broke in New York City's crane collapse?
1 answer
My top string is out of tune on my guitar and I can't tune it right.?
0 answer
Bi-O-Kleen laundry liquid for a front-loader?
1 answer
Motor Swap on a Ship?
2 answer
What's a hand-operated winch for?
2 answer
What is the disadvantage of screw pump?
5 answer
synchronous motor operation?
4 answer
im bored and need a
2 answer
If you got the chance, would you buy paper cranes?
5 answer
What are the advantages and disadvantages of stepping motors? What are they suitable for?
4 answer
How does metal straightening machinery handle the straightening of metal components with welding-induced distortions?
3 answer
Is religion like a horse drawn vehicle, doggedly trudging along, refusing to update its machinery?
5 answer
Explain how to calculate the time taken to generate steam from an electric boiler?
1 answer
How do you find a dragon/egg thistimeof year in a semi-warm rarely humid climate?
5 answer
What are the different uses of sand making equipment?
3 answer
A tricky Question?
2 answer
How is the screw speed of injection molding machine adjusted? Who knows very well?.
3 answer
How to make paper cranes?
1 answer
The cutting machine is free of arcing and the stainless steel sheet has a plastic film
3 answer
What are the common software programs used in metal straightening machinery?
3 answer