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Where is the sword three primary casting division?
3 answer
Is the production process only casting, welding process?
3 answer
What is the main function of setting up cold iron in casting process design?
2 answer
Are aluminum rings cast or forged?
3 answer
Commonly used special casting process
3 answer
How can the cast aluminum alloy be welded?
2 answer
What is the difference between squeeze casting (squeeze casting) and die casting (die-casting)?
3 answer
Casting and welding 20
3 answer
Horizontal casting where dragons
3 answer
What's the minimum hole size for casting 50?
3 answer
What about the prospects for employment?
3 answer
Casting problem: precision casting can process minimum pore size and wall thickness Forty-five
3 answer
Wood can be used to cast?
3 answer
What does "hot knot" mean in casting?
3 answer
What's the flying edge of the casting?
3 answer
My teacher is also the lung and liver iron casting what
3 answer
Jian Wang three own casting weapons can sell to others?
4 answer
What are the differences between casting die and steel plate mold?
3 answer
What are the differences between casting, forging, stamping and die casting? What are the machining processes?
3 answer
How to avoid casting pores?
2 answer
Is there a cloak on the surface flaw in casting? What do you mean?
3 answer
Sand mould cast aluminum
2 answer
What kind of tools, Jian Wang 3 casting, to mapWhy can't I cast copper ingots? It always reminds me that I need to cast the tool stand, but I can't find it
3 answer
What are the advantages and disadvantages of sand casting and metal casting?
3 answer
What is the difference between the stainless steel casting process and the casting process?
3 answer
Process of dewaxing casting
2 answer
What are the main equipments in the foundry?
3 answer
What is the subsidy for casting process?
3 answer
What are the determination principles of casting time profiles?
3 answer
In casting, what are the meaning of "down core" and "combination box"?
3 answer

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