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Steel structure workshop roof color plate lighting belt according to how many proportion?
4 answer
How can the concert hall be light?
3 answer
Floor spacing and lighting, as well as the volume rate problems
3 answer
Small high-rise building spacing, winter solstice, daylight hours
3 answer
Southeast, southwest, which daylighting good?
4 answer
34 floor, please buy some floor above lighting guaranteed
3 answer
Are there any basic outdoor lighting that does not affect the indoor and can not see the interior of the glass?
3 answer
On the first floor of the house, lighting is not good, how to decorate?
3 answer
North House North and south facing, why daylighting is good?
3 answer
New commercial housing, lighting spacing is inadequate, how to protect people?
2 answer
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the ordinary side window and skylight in the building?
3 answer
Standard of lighting compensation
3 answer
What are the benefits of lighting and ventilation?
3 answer
What is the light distance between the house and the house? How is that stipulated?
3 answer
What does daylight mean?
3 answer
About the house lighting problem?
3 answer
Is the grease of the machine tool screw rod good or weak?
3 answer
How can the accuracy of the CNC machine tools be compensated after a few years?
3 answer
Installation method of Z shaft screw rod bearing for CNC machine tool
5 answer
I'd like to make my own lathe screw. What material should I use?
3 answer
What material is used for the screw nut of machine tools?
3 answer
How to install screw ball of CNC lathe?
4 answer
How about the central screw in the CNC lathe? Or an ordinary side screw!
3 answer
CNC machine tool screw gap
3 answer
Why is the elevator rail installed on the bracket only fixed with a press plate and not bolted by welding or punching?
3 answer
What cleaning agent does the anti rust oil on the lift rail be cleaned with?
4 answer
What materials are used for machine tools, guide rails and sliders?
3 answer
Machine tool linear guide bearing?
3 answer
What lubricating oil should be used for elevator lubrication?! What brand?. What's the number?.
3 answer
Method for calculating theoretical weight of elevator guide rail
3 answer

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