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Why the refrigerant after the throttle into the evaporator must be wet steam?
2 answer
What is the water pressure drop in the evaporator in the module air cooler?
3 answer
What are the factors that affect the evaporative pressure of the central air conditioning evaporator? What is the normal value?
2 answer
Is the evaporator in the ground source heat pump unit cooling or heating?
3 answer
Window air conditioning cooling effect is poor, the evaporator below the frost, the above is not cold, similar to normal temperature
4 answer
Why is the chilled water pump than the unit evaporator water flow?
4 answer
Central air conditioning: the refrigerant side of the water pressure drop, the water side of the working pressure, the evaporator pressure how to understand the three concepts?
3 answer
The state of the refrigerant entering the evaporator in the ideal cycle of vapor compression refrigeration
2 answer
Drying principle of dry evaporator
3 answer
Is the evaporator different from the carburetor?
3 answer
Straight refrigerator There are several evaporators, three refrigerators have several evaporators, a few doors on the door?
3 answer
How to remove the evaporator and connect the air inside the tube after the air conditioning machine
4 answer
What is the meaning of negative pressure evaporation?
2 answer
Can air source heat pump use the end of the whole air? Is this end called modular air conditioning unit? The concept of some mixed,
4 answer
What is the meaning of evaporation pressure and condensing pressure?
3 answer
Large evaporation and small evaporation
4 answer
The temperature difference between the front and rear of the evaporator evaporator is small
2 answer
What is the principle of refrigeration, compressor, condenser, evaporator, throttle valve is what relationship,
3 answer
What are the advantages and disadvantages of full liquid evaporator?
4 answer
Screw chillers evaporator water temperature is high alarm is the reason
4 answer
What is the angle evaporator
3 answer
The same temperature, flow conditions, the same heat exchanger as an evaporator or condenser, which heat transfer coefficient is high, why?
3 answer
The difference between the surface cooler and the evaporator
2 answer
What is the implementation of decompression evaporation
4 answer
What is the water bridge between the air conditioner and the evaporator and the aluminum fins?
2 answer
The volume of the condenser and the evaporator is probably several
3 answer
The working principle of automobile air conditioning evaporator. Including the evaporator core warm water tank blower motor and other aspects of the use
2 answer
Compressor evaporator condenser connection relationship between the three and the connection Thank you
3 answer
Does anyone know that the temperature of the air conditioner evaporator should be several times? Not the temperature of the outlet, but the theoretical temperature of the evaporator.
3 answer
Audi a4 for the maintenance of how much money evaporator
3 answer

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