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Material costs, machinery costs, management costs, labor costs accounted for the proportion of construction projects
2 answer
What are the future prospects of mechanical design, manufacturing and automation? How about salary after employment?
3 answer
What is a mechanical mouse?
4 answer
Ready to study in Australia, intends to emigrate is learning mechanical engineering or electronic engineering is better?
3 answer
Are the machines manufactured in Germany and Japan the most advanced? More advanced than America?
2 answer
Tianjin Construction Machinery Research Institute?
3 answer
What exactly does machinery sale do?
3 answer
Mechanical design, manufacture and automation
4 answer
Construction machinery if the use of diesel engines, the use of motors, the general choice of DC motor or AC motor?.
3 answer
What is the management of construction machinery?
4 answer
Please tell me the highest and lowest price of Xugong machinery
4 answer
What are the characteristics of gear transmission compared with other mechanical drives?
2 answer
What are the five major cost components of the project cost?
4 answer
What are the mechanical standards and what are the testing items for the MD mechanical standards?
3 answer
What kind of career will the future of the ship engineering technology major be?
4 answer
What are the common mechanical processing methods?
4 answer
What do I learn about hydraulic systems, engineering machines or steel mills?
3 answer
What kind of work does a small building mechanic consist of?
4 answer
What is mechanical connection?
4 answer
Urgent! Is mechanical engineering major or special?
3 answer
To ask, I have better supply of construction machinery here, I would like to foreign trade, I do not know how the international market in the near future, engineering machinery, foreign trade to prepare what knowledge?
3 answer
What qualifications do enterprises in the machinery manufacturing industry possess?
4 answer
What's the difference between machines and machines?
3 answer
How to make the process flow of welding operation of construction machinery
4 answer
Do you have a promising future in the foreign trade of machinery industry?
4 answer
Can you use mechanical oil instead of engineering gear oil?
4 answer
What are the standards in the machinery industry?
3 answer
Does the construction forklift need to be on the card?
3 answer
Want to know what the future of the packaging machinery industry is?
4 answer
Want to set up excavators, bulldozers, dump trucks, and other construction machinery overhaul plant, equipment and equipment needs of personnel
4 answer

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