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What does 1/2 mean in valve specification?
3 answer
Where is the valve used?
4 answer
What are the types of valves?
3 answer
What does 3/4''mean in the name of the valve?
5 answer
What is the valve?
3 answer
Why can't the pressure measuring point be set at the two ends of the gate valve when measuring the resistance loss of the gate valve?
3 answer
Why the valve can only be fully open and fully closed valve can adjust the flow?
3 answer
Valve flange drawing n- up to what
3 answer
What valve is z45w gate valve?
3 answer
Stainless steel gate valve DN150 200300 weight, who knows?
3 answer
What are the common standards for gate valves?
2 answer
Gate valve type Z40Y, Z40H letters - what does that mean?
3 answer
Why is gate valve or butterfly valve used for water pump?
3 answer
Is the gate valve clockwise or closed?
3 answer
What is the size and length of the DN80 gate valve? 10 kg and 16 kg, respectively?
3 answer
What do you mean by forged steel gate valves 800LB DN20 SW?
3 answer
Z41T one 10 gate valve and Z44T one, 10 gate valve difference
3 answer
What are the meaning of the cast rigid gate valves z41h-16c?
3 answer
What is the difference between the cut-off valve and gate valve, the general will use the cut-off valve instead of gate valve
2 answer
The legend of gate valve and stop valve
3 answer
Gate valve z41t what does that mean?
3 answer
What's the difference between the knife gate valve and the stop valve?
3 answer
The difference and use of gate valve and stop valve
3 answer
Gate valve is gate valve, gate valve specifications, model code is generally what?
3 answer
What do you mean by "2" and "200 CF8M"?
3 answer
How to distinguish between gate valve and cut-off valve?
3 answer
Why does the fire hydrant box in the air defense area need to be added with gate valves?
3 answer
TitleThe difference between gate valve, butterfly valve and stop valve
1 answer
What are the standards for the execution of cast iron dark pole gate valves?
4 answer
Acid resistant alkali valve gate valve
3 answer

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