i need to change my water pump on my vw 1990 gti. the more details and/or pictures the better or links i can go to to show me
It's not 1990 gti but maiby it's help photo.qip.ru/users/pal78/96493081/all/
Buy a repair manual. Or better yet buy a lifetime replacment one at Autozone and they will print out a step by step (with pictures torque specs) instructions for you. :)
you have to watch the timing marks and need a special tool for waterpump
The 1990 4 cylinder was before they ran the pump off the timing belt, so it is still V-belt driven, and it is not necessary to touch the timing belt. Since it is belt driven, you should expect it to be near the passenger side of the engine, but it actually bolts to the front of the engine, near the bottom. In the linked image, they have included the housing, which you see bolts to the side of the block with an O ring seal. It is recommended you remove this housing, so that you can more easily get at all the small bolts holding the water pump to the housing. But there is no reason not to reuse the old housing. This also has the thermostat in it, so replace that at the same time. You may be able to leave the hoses attached if you are working on a lift, from below. The power steering pump may be in the way and need to be lowered. Take the passenger side wheel off. If you have to get at it from the top, it may be much harder, because the AC mounting plate would need to be removed and the head gets in the way, but also possible. Set aside a whole day, just to make sure you have enough time to finish if this is your first one. But you could probably do it a second time in about 3 hours.