So a couple months ago I decided to cut my muffler off and straight pipe my truck. Sounds nuce but I kinda hate the sound now. Whats the best exhaust for it under 1000? Its a 5.3 and I am also wonder why after I straight piped it it back fires and it throws out black smoke when reved above 5 rpm. Not a lot but still. It never did it before and all I have added is a cold air intake! Any ideas why?
a car of clothes?? it wont stunt your growth, how stupid can you be, that is determined by genetics, you will be about the same height as your father.
A Magnaflow stainless steel cat back system would fit the bill
The muffler previous provided a small amount of back-up pressure to the engine which the maker calculated in designing the engine. Now it draws your gas/air mixture into the system instead of leaving it in the cylinder to be ignited. Thus, it's not burning cleanly and you get black smoke and backfiring. Different areas of the country have different suppliers and whatever shop you choose will have a recommendation for you based on their inventory. There is no best exhaust but the muffler dealer can let you know how his various models will sound.