Home > categories > Electrical Equipment & Supplies > Inductors > A 0.76- H inductor carries a current that changes at a rate of -0.11 A/s. What is the induced emf?

A 0.76- H inductor carries a current that changes at a rate of -0.11 A/s. What is the induced emf?

A 0.76- H inductor carries a current that changes at a rate of -0.11 A/s. What is the induced emf?


v L di/dt di/dt is the fee of replace of cutting-edge, or placed yet differently, the replace in cutting-edge over the years. you will see that that's (0.521 - 0)/(0.017 - 0) If the gadgets are Amperes, Seconds, and Henrys on the main staggering, the formula will produce Volts on the left.
Induced voltage V L.di/dt 0.76 x (-0.11) -0.0836 volts

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