im thinking about telling my dad to give me invisalign to fix my teeth -- or ceramic braces if they‘re better. I have buckteeth, which means that my front upper and lower teeth protrude outwards. There is also some crowding in my back teeth, it looks like they‘re kinda jammed together. can somebody tell me what price they had to pay for their invisalign and the length of treatment they had? I just wanna know if someone out there has teeth like mine. OR just give me some feedback on ceramic braces too, so I can decide which is better. Which one is more expensive by the way? Ceramic braces or invisalign?
well the price often depends on the area you live in, Invisalign generally runs around 4500 dollars. I think that its well worth the cost, because time is shortened and the appliances are clear and not too painful, you should go to a dentist and have a consultation, and they'll give you a few options. Good luck
From aesthetics point of view, invisalign is better as it is transparent and almost invisible. Also you can always remove invisalign whereas braces are not removable. Invisalign promotes better oral health too as it allows you to brush and floss your teeth as you would normally.
i have buckteeth too, and i opted for ceramic braces, you can barely see them and they arent bad. im not sure abour invisalign i do believe that it is more expensive than any other treatment. Ceramic braces however cost me 400 dollars more than what the regular metal ones cost, and this was only for the top ones. Since you cant really see my bottom teeth when i talk or smile, i just got the regular silver ones on he bottom because that would of been 400 dollars more for the bottoms also. what i do like about my ceramic braces is that most people really cant tell unless they get close to me, one bad thing though is that your clear rubber bands that go around the bracket can be stained if you eat things that have a very dark tint to it. ex: bbq sauce even though i do eat these things and i havent had a problem with my rubber bands staining good luck :)